Saturday, October 2, 2010

The love of Jesus

Jesus so loved us that He firstly gave His spirit over to the devil to be tormented for three days.
Secondly He accepted His divine assignment that God had given Him.

He was every bit man just as we are right now, He could've decided to do whatever He wanted to do but instead He fully reclined upon the Holy Spirit's guidence and power and was filled with the Spirit. He gave the Holy Spirit the freedom to move whenever He wanted to.

Jesus called Lazarus out from the dead because He loved him dearly, He wept the bible says, Lazarus spent a lot of time with Jesus and I can imagine he must have loved Jesus back dearly.
Jesus loved Simon whom He named Peter so much that He gave him the keys to His kingdom and the responsibility of sherpading His sheep.
Jesus loved us so much that He endured a terrible and gruesome beating/torture, I can imagine it...maybe each time things got unbearable He thought of me and all my poor spirit and soul how it would burn forever in hades if He didn't complete the His wounds I am made whole (Isiah53:5).
Jesus died alone, sick, poor and in all pain just for me and you so that our sins may be forgiven by our heavenly Father and I'm so happy that He finished the transaction and gave His blood as an atonement for all my and our sins, it sits in the mercy seat in the Holy of Holies.
Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit, who is the best gift ever given to the church, the Holy Spirit is a divine person of the trinity, He loves us just as much as God's the interesting part right so we understand by the word that the Holy Spirit lives in us (corinthians6:19) and well Jesus is in heaven with the Father, PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THE SPIRIT OF GOD WHO IS IN YOU AND I PROMISE YOU WILL LIVE A BETTER LIFE.

Jesus agreed to be the sacrificial lamb for man and layed His own life down for you and me, what kind of love is that...Godly love...if you love Him please show Him everyday just as you would your wife or partner whom is seen.

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