Sunday, September 5, 2010


Faith is the substance of things not seen okay stop right there, a lot of times the word says have faith in God and nothing will be impossible for you.
We going to analyse this okay watch the bible says that by faith Noah built the ark, by faith Abel offered a better sacrifice, now the evidence of things unseen is faith so one could say that it works like a title deed.

Faith and doubt cannot co-exist in the same place at the same time, one drives out the other, the Lord said if we don't doubt in our hearts whatsoever we ask we shall have so that excludes the mind which is the father of all doubt.

The secret to having unwavering faith is confession and a continual hearing of the word of God. The word says we should believe with our hearts and confess with our mouths, without confession which is a work faith is dead then it will be just believing which isn't enough if you want something from the Lord.

Faith is constant not intermediary, it has to be stretched if you want to yield results, Jesus when He called Peter to Himself and Peter began drowning and Jesus pulled him out the water said "why did you doubt?" that means with faith comes an urge to doubt and if you don't confess your beliefs/His truths continuously then your heart will doubt and faith will leave.

Confession, in a box definition, is simply speaking or saying what God has decided about situations so it's confessing the truths God said and believing them.

Faith is an action, spoken word, faith is power and has the ability to heal, restore and the like. This is seen with the woman and her issue of blood, who began to confess to herslef in her mind and I believe audibly also that if only she touches His cloack she will be healed and we learn that she dis get healed and Jesus looked around asking who had touched Him for He felt power leave Him. JESUS CAN NEVER DENY FAITH.

Pray in faith, sing in faith, speak in faith, worship and praise in faith, God is pleased when we use faith.

Confess and watch..