Sunday, October 30, 2011

Be Yourself [Know who you are]

Heres the audio version, be blessed.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

BE YOURSELF I (exerpt)

The majority of the people in the world are followers I mean that they've lost they're individuality and they're now doing what is socially acceptable. Societies norms are often in contrast with personal norms and this creates pressure within a person's sphere of self-discipline which in turn begins to afflict the person's morals and principles.

We're living in an age where teens and young adults don't know who they are, identity crisis, thust they follow the hottest trends like sex out of marriage and bingeing on alcohol, drugs, food, porn etc.

When a person knows who they belong to they begin to derive their identity from whom they belong to i.e. Family, society etc
When a person gets to know they're identity they know they're boundaries and gifts or talents and begin to be who they trully are. This promotes individuality and in that we find pleasure and happiness along with many other benefits like....

*an unfinalised excerpt from BE YOURSELF (Know Who You Are)*

Tw Tsenase

Friday, August 12, 2011

Beat The Fear of Rejection

I'm pretty sure that we have all been rejected at one point or another in our lives, some by their parents and others by society and other people.

This then grows into a root of fear when we are not careful enough to confront it and uproot it , when its not dealt with it can penetrate your life and slip into your mind, emotions and begin to influence your decision making (will) so the longer you take in attending to it the stronger its influence will be until an opportune time where it will control your decision making from its stronghold.

The first thing to remember is that in life sometimes things just happen of which you have no control over so stop expecting life to be perfect and all rosy because that will limits your ability to learn from bad situations because Hardships produce Perseverance produces Character produces Hope and hope never disappoints.

There is no generic Success Formula which makes life easy but there is something called Choice or Decision and once you really make one and never look back then life becomes a whole lot better so here is what you need to decide on:

1. Will you keep complaining/whinning and blaming other people for your failures and decisions or the lack thereof?
2. Will you note that sometimes things happen and that not everyone will love and accept you for you?
Choose number 2 and make a decision to live a life not controlled by other's reception towards you and I promise you'll see that you're the one giving them the power/ability to affect your life (health, mental wellnes and happinness)

Tw Tsenase

Friday, March 18, 2011

How to be successful in life: Developing A Winning Attitude

Success is multi-faceted, wealth and fame are not the only components of success there are other equally important ones such as:
1. A winning attitude
2. Emotional intelligence
3. Health
4. Successful Relationships

We will, for now, deal with how to develop a winning attitude. A winning attitude is developed not acquired through observing others who possess one.

Everything we do is because we have DECIDED to do it, it takes a decision in order to act. You have to make a decision right now to develop a winning attitude in your life, it won't be easy but in the end you will see a positive change in your life when you don't give up.

The attributes of a winning attitude are:
1. Slow to speak (think before you speak so as to not judge or critisize)
2. Positive confession daily (ALWAYS SPEAKING what you WANT as if you HAVE it)
3. Perseverance (NEVER giving up)
4. Faith (ALWAYS being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you cannot see)

If all you do is say whats on your mind you will end up with no friends and no favour with people who can help you in your life, you need to begin filtering your words spoken to others because they're seeds and can inspire anything you're saying.

You must always be optimistic and confess or declare what it is you believe in your life or what you want in your life, the more you say it the more you'll believe it and the more you believe it then it will happen as our words are seeds. Pay close attention to what you say if your emotions are controlling you or if you feel depressed watch your words and your thoughts and 99% of the time you'll see that its all self-inflicted, all sicknesses begin in the mind first. Take control, say it!!

People who are successful in all aspects of life will tell you of how many times they've tried to be successful in life but each time something came up and punched them down but they never gave up, fall 7times stand up the 8th time.

Faith is what manifests anything in life, SEE your life changed.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How to enjoy Successful, Exciting&Loving Relationships

Relationships are at their best when the partners relate, relat-ionship, besides the usual building-blocks: love, trust and loyalty there are other equally important components of a successful&loving relationship with your partner.

Spontaneity is one of them, this is when a person acts impromtly of course there's good and bad spontaneity but we're talking about the exciting and good type. A relationship can be cumbersome once all the standard things have been done but when there's healthy and exciting spontaneity it sustains the flame sparked by infatuation. Sending your partner a morning message, visiting him/her at their workplace to hug and kiss them, cooking for him/her etc.

Gifts and I mean all kinds of gifts whether it be your partners favourite snacks, jewellery/clothing garments or destination etc. Gifts are like reminders to our partners that we are still vulnerable towards them that we let down our guards for them. Gifts need not be flashy and expensive but rather from a thoughtful heart expecting nothing in return, this keeps the excitement and adoration of your partner at good hights.

Time spent together experiencing new things together is one of the best ways to have a successful relationship as the experiences last forever and have an affluent effect. If you haven't ridden a horse before then you could sign up for lessons with your partner and things like that. This promotes intimacy and fun in a relationship.

The last one is to be religious with your gestures. Opening the door for your woman is great until you forget to do it but when you do forget please make up for it with another chivalrous gesture that way she won't feel like you've changed all of the sudden. The small things like a kiss each time you leave or return home and the like will boost intimacy and trust just remember if you forget to do this make up foe it with another romantic gesture trust me she/he will cherish you for this one.

Use it don't use it whatever, at least try.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Faith gives things substance

Faith works don't ever say it doesn't because it does. We all live in faith every single day of our lives, when we're tired from working or whatever we go to sleep in-fact we look forward to resting in peace knowing that we will wake up the next day or in several hours. We don't panic before we sleep trying to figure out if we will wake up the next day because we have faith in the fact that we will regain consciousness within several hours.

We all have faith I said we all have faith. This faith doesn't care whether you are religious or not, faith always works for anyone, whether we put our faith in good or bad use it works for whatever we want it to work on.

When we face problems in our lives that we cannot solve on our own we need to look at the kind of words which come out of our mouths. Your words can keep you in an invisible jail-cell or keep you free from bondage and strongholds, believing is not enough at all we have to speak what we believe and speak positively about our lives.

Our words are like seeds which are planted in our hearts with more mentions and repentency. They enter our hearts and begin growing at each mention and at some point when you fully believe what you're saying then what you've planted in your heart manifests itself into the natural.

Faith is invisible its not just your actions but its your words which either bless or curse. You cannot see faith with your naked-eye but it can be proven by works (words) so remember that the next time you're in a crisis it could be you who's messing up your own life.

Faith needs to be excercised every single day, the golden rule here is to SAY it with your mouth (confess) and do it REPEATEDLY until your heart is fully convinced then your situation will change. Good seeds are all you need and the word of God is the best source of these, faith is God's gift to us for solving earthly problems so believe, act like it and say it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

FW:Sennasi Lifestyle Fan Page

I'm excited to present to you Sennasi Lifestyle. We have a fan page on Facebook come visit us click on the url and like us to recieve updates on our magazine and website development

Sennasi Lifestyle Fan Page

I'm excited to present to you Sennasi Lifestyle. We have a fan page on Facebook come visit us click on the url and like us to recieve updates on our magazine and website development

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Overcoming Life's Problems

Its been such a long time since I've posted anything, I've been going through challenges hallelujah and I've overcome, more battles are up ahead waiting to be won. I've never been so excited about challenges in my life I tell you its amazing, Jesus fought and won so shall I because my faith overcomes this world 1john5:4

Today I'd like to share with you 7keys to overcoming in this wicked world, I received them from Pastor Benny Hinn and I've been meditating on them for months now and I'm still here...victorious.

1. Know that you are redeemed
2. Know that you are a new creation
3. Know that Jesus is your righteousness
4. Know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
5. Know that the power of His (Jesus) name is yours to use.
6. Know that God's promises are true
7. Know that your faith overcomes the world

Meditate on these scriptures: 1John5:4; Numbers23:19-20; Psalms84:34; John16:23; John14:13-14; 1Cor6:19; 1Cor5:17

Remember to praise and worship God everyday because He has given us all we need and rescued us from satan's kingdom and died for us.