Monday, October 18, 2010

Are you???

Are you enjoying your life?
If not then begin speaking positive seeds into your life and keep speaking them until you see them manifest into what you want, its called Faith.

Are you full of joy and peace in your heart?
If not then Eat and drink (spiritualy) by reading the word of God and praying in the spirit more often, everyday to be exact.

Are you experiencing God's presence?
If not then maybe its because you haven't repented remember sin puts you away from God totally so repent and plead the blood of Jesus in your life.

Are you being led by the Spirit of God?
If not then you maybe you don't have the Spirit of God, just ask Him to give to you the Holy Spirit and He will according to Matthew7:7-12 and the Spirit of God will guide you from your inner-man by peace and joy.

Are you binding the devil from your life and family?
If not and you're experiencing problems and strife and complaining in the home/family then get the head of the family and according to James4:7 bind the devil and he will flee from you. You don't have to necessarily be the head of the household in order to bind the devil.

Are you full of faith?
If not its because youre not hearing the word of God continually which brings faith and understanding according to Romans10:17

Are you wise?
If not then ask God to give you wisdom just like king Solomon did in 1Kings3 and He will give it to you freely without reproach.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The love of Jesus

Jesus so loved us that He firstly gave His spirit over to the devil to be tormented for three days.
Secondly He accepted His divine assignment that God had given Him.

He was every bit man just as we are right now, He could've decided to do whatever He wanted to do but instead He fully reclined upon the Holy Spirit's guidence and power and was filled with the Spirit. He gave the Holy Spirit the freedom to move whenever He wanted to.

Jesus called Lazarus out from the dead because He loved him dearly, He wept the bible says, Lazarus spent a lot of time with Jesus and I can imagine he must have loved Jesus back dearly.
Jesus loved Simon whom He named Peter so much that He gave him the keys to His kingdom and the responsibility of sherpading His sheep.
Jesus loved us so much that He endured a terrible and gruesome beating/torture, I can imagine it...maybe each time things got unbearable He thought of me and all my poor spirit and soul how it would burn forever in hades if He didn't complete the His wounds I am made whole (Isiah53:5).
Jesus died alone, sick, poor and in all pain just for me and you so that our sins may be forgiven by our heavenly Father and I'm so happy that He finished the transaction and gave His blood as an atonement for all my and our sins, it sits in the mercy seat in the Holy of Holies.
Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit, who is the best gift ever given to the church, the Holy Spirit is a divine person of the trinity, He loves us just as much as God's the interesting part right so we understand by the word that the Holy Spirit lives in us (corinthians6:19) and well Jesus is in heaven with the Father, PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THE SPIRIT OF GOD WHO IS IN YOU AND I PROMISE YOU WILL LIVE A BETTER LIFE.

Jesus agreed to be the sacrificial lamb for man and layed His own life down for you and me, what kind of love is that...Godly love...if you love Him please show Him everyday just as you would your wife or partner whom is seen.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Faith is the substance of things not seen okay stop right there, a lot of times the word says have faith in God and nothing will be impossible for you.
We going to analyse this okay watch the bible says that by faith Noah built the ark, by faith Abel offered a better sacrifice, now the evidence of things unseen is faith so one could say that it works like a title deed.

Faith and doubt cannot co-exist in the same place at the same time, one drives out the other, the Lord said if we don't doubt in our hearts whatsoever we ask we shall have so that excludes the mind which is the father of all doubt.

The secret to having unwavering faith is confession and a continual hearing of the word of God. The word says we should believe with our hearts and confess with our mouths, without confession which is a work faith is dead then it will be just believing which isn't enough if you want something from the Lord.

Faith is constant not intermediary, it has to be stretched if you want to yield results, Jesus when He called Peter to Himself and Peter began drowning and Jesus pulled him out the water said "why did you doubt?" that means with faith comes an urge to doubt and if you don't confess your beliefs/His truths continuously then your heart will doubt and faith will leave.

Confession, in a box definition, is simply speaking or saying what God has decided about situations so it's confessing the truths God said and believing them.

Faith is an action, spoken word, faith is power and has the ability to heal, restore and the like. This is seen with the woman and her issue of blood, who began to confess to herslef in her mind and I believe audibly also that if only she touches His cloack she will be healed and we learn that she dis get healed and Jesus looked around asking who had touched Him for He felt power leave Him. JESUS CAN NEVER DENY FAITH.

Pray in faith, sing in faith, speak in faith, worship and praise in faith, God is pleased when we use faith.

Confess and watch..

Friday, August 20, 2010

If I don't wake up

You live life like it's running out soon, doing all the things you desire to do. You get drunk a lot, have sex too often, say whatever you want, act like there's no God but if you don't wake up..

You love to love to be betrayed or lied to, cheating on your partner fully conscious of the promise you made before her; her family and God. You take what doesn't belong to you and you use it freely without guilt, taking what belongs to even your brother and neighbour, your lust is like a river everflowing but if you didn't wake up..

You're kept prisoner by yourselves, your mind and desires, forgeting who you are in that body.

Lust controls your eyes and mind but you don't mind, you live life like it's running out forgeting that you will never cease to exist, the truth sets free bug lust keeps you in it's desirable realm to drink you to a single pee-drop but if you didn't wake up..

You show no respect for anyone period not even yourself as you go day by day slowly destroying your right of passage in this life. You think you've seen it all and been it all but I tell you...if you didn't wake up..

Blinded by what you want you think life is all about it when it's not, you despise wisdom thinking it's only advice, you curse and you fight like there's no God above who sees all you do and will judge you accordingly but if you didn't wake up..

If you didn't wake up you would understand all things and possess all knowledge, you'd see life for what it really is..a tiny vapour. You would regret all the things you did which misrepresented your true self and cry to your God to help you as you would now be in His realm permanently. You would see why you were tempted all that time, why life was hard and you would wish you had more time here than you did just to undo all the pretzel flops you made and to do what you were suppose to be doing according to the dreams Gos gave each one of us in our hearts.

If you didn't wake'd live forever, wake up and live like you won't.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Power, Love and Sound-mind belong to you.

The lord said He gave us a spirit of love, power and a sound mind, He can never lie or change so we can say that if He said it then it is the truth. Okay I'm aware that some people have fear of thhings such as the dark, death, phobias and the like but now listen...did you know that worrying about something or being anxious is a sin? Yes it is the Lord commanded us not to worry, fear or be anxious but that we trust in Him the Father.

Fear, anxiety, worry and the like are all only ever experienced as emotions/feelings, they're not tangible. Did you know that the devil can only attack you in your perceptionary/emotions/feelings realm, do remember that all his power has been stripped away by our Lord Jesus Christ and was done in public on the cross for all to see, The Lord said to His disciples after He appeared to them that all power on heaven and on earth has been given to Him and guess what He then gave it to us the body of church.

If you were expecting to read my creative blog posts I'm sorry but I just felt impressed in my spirit to write this first, stick around you'll learn a lot and will be saved from yourself.

If we believe the bible we are believers and our job would then be to believe so lets just believe shall we, here's a way to do it cause I know that lots of people think God doesn't listen but are you believing either way? Look believing isn't easy but we should do it either way, confession of the word causes faith to rise in your heart (spirit) which then slowly begins to infuence your mind the more you confess the more persuaded your mind will be. Then you will belive the word in your heart and mind and once that alignment is created I tell you great things will happen in your life.

I just woke up to write this I hope it helps someone who's confused about why things ain't working for him/her well maybe if you read the bible that would help too...just saying. Thats that now I can blog about what I want...I'm too creative so dont try to get me, read!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Positive confession, the bridge to your dreams.

The power of positive confession is real though intangible it's real just like an idea is real but cannot be seen, touched, smelt, heard or felt.

Even Psychology has recognized the power of positive confessions or thoughts. We humans are the only mammals/animals who can change their cognitive processes and mentality anytime we wish, a lion cannot change the way it thinks or acts or even respond..ever!!

When we spend time visualizing ourselves in our ideal lifestyle we begin to stir our desire for those kinds of things in our lives. That desire has to be expressed in spoken words to yourself in order to make it seem attainable in your current life, the more you tell yourself who you want to be the more desire you'll have to be that person and the more desire you have then the more you will tell yourself of who you are and the bridge between who you are now and who you want to be is your words and your desire.

Confessing positive things to yourself will stir up your sould (mind, will and emotions) on any day even if your circumstances are humbling, your soul will be stirred and energised.

Words are more powerful than what people think and that is a fact. Imagine a sweet little innocent girl living with a single parent who is an alcoholic who verbally abuses and tears her daughter apart. She tells her how bad she is at everything and how she will never be good enough for anyone and how she messed up her relationships with men simply because she's her these are all words right I mean their intangible but their real and so what happens to this poor girl's esteem and cognitive processes? They change and not for the best, they begin to slowly occupy her mind and soon they begin to cause her to act a certain way and soon she becomes everything her mother told her she would be. Words are more powerful than power because words carry power, power cannot exist without words.

Sart today and confess positive things in your life and trust me things will change

Friday, July 30, 2010

God in it...then it's life.

Life just isn’t what it used to be I wonder why; does my faith really need to be tested in this way?
I feel dead but in pain, I don't know where the heck I'm going and why I'm going there, feeling a bit lost from all this flesh talk overpowering my spiritual guidance. If I could kill myself and go to heaven I'd be gone by now trust me, I wouldn't have to sit and deal with all my bs which just seems to get bigger and worse by the day I wonder why?

I'm in one real war with spiritual wickedness in higher places and it’s all emotionally draining and tedious and depressing but I guess that’s because I'm trying to be superman solving my own problems which seem to be way bigger than me and are spiritual problems that much I can discern. When am I going to back to being the happy and silly, jolly me that I am?

I've been through some bad things this past three years and truly God was with me, can't believe I'm still alive and writing this when I should've been dying from cancer and this and that....He always kicks in when you need Him most hey it’s amazing. The bad part about all this is that I cannot vent because if I do then it opens the door to wicked spirits to enter my life so I always repent as I have a short anger fuse I don't mean to say things in anger it’s just the way I feel. When it comes to things of the Lord I must stop that and think before I speak or else I will be deeming myself unclean and that’s the last thing that I want to do.

The things God has said to me are amazing the problem though being that my mind likes to take credit of what the Holy Spirit is saying to me and that is bad cause I have to receive anything that comes from within as from God's Spirit but I'm working on that. This is why there is a bible so we can renew our minds upon the word of the Lord and align our minds to our spirit. One thing I can tell you is to never disobey what the Holy Spirit tells you to do or else you will find yourself in big trouble, never reason just do it!!

We have to have strong characters in order to influence others and to change people's lives. That means we have to go through some bad patches in order for our personality traits to be strengthened and to develop true power. We have to resist the devil and keep walking with God that’s all even in the event of something bad or tragic...our feelings never matter to the things of the Lord so we have to disable that little voice in our minds telling us how painful our body feels, how mentally incapable we are, how worthy we are, how smart we are, how proud we are, how good with God we are, how we should pray tomorrow and not at that same time. The devil can only ever attack you in your perceptionary/sensory/soul realm if we know just that truth then we will be able to distinguish the difference between who's voice is talking to us and if we should follow it or not. The bible say's we should resist the devil and he will flee from us James 4:7 it’s that simple now why are there some people who are devil possessed and so forth....I reckon it’s because they firstly do not resist him by verbally telling him that the blood of the Lord is against him and his demons, secondly they do not tithe and read the word of the Lord which gives us so many remedies to this particular situation. Did you know that we have been given the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and the power to overcome all the power of the enemy and nothing shall harm us...we belong to the Lord, do you really think that He will watch us suffer by the hands of the enemy?

The Lord is good always and He always will be that won't change. He promised to protect us and to deliver us from the enemy's clutch. He won everything good for us at Calvary why can't we get that into our heads??
Do you want to know how God feels when you His child is crying ASKING, nagging Him for it as if it was never yours...Calvary says it’s been yours since been since. Believe what the Lord is saying period and accept it and stop asking for the things which you already have FULL OWNERSHIP of because I reckon it saddens Him to know that you cannot believe the things which He said He won for you. Start thanking the Lord asking Him to LEAD us to those blessings and things by His Spirit within us with peace and joy.

The Lord is all powerful, all mighty, all amazing, all knowing, all present, all merciful, all gracious, all loving, all compassionate, all faithful, all protective, all true, all the same forever oh how I thank you Father that you are no respecter of man thank you thank you that means that even I can experience the same presence of God that Moses experienced that’s what it means but why aren't we interested in living the way they did so we can also be deemed as God's friends and see Him and speak to Him anytime and have Him walk with us, wake up with us, eat with us, fellowship with us?

There has to be a desire that comes from you that says that "I will not be satisfied by anything less than holy in my life, that I want to walk with my Father in His wisdom and all power and love". In Pastor Benny Hinn's words "we need to build a relationship with Jehovah first then we can understand the all powerful Elohim then Adonnai" its true we need to know Jehovah intimately not seeking His power but a relationship and understanding between us and Him. When you get to know Jehovah He starts to reveal Himself as Jehovah Raffah, Tsidkenu etc giving you and showing you mighty acts and grace and joy and mercy.

The Holy Spirit is a person by the way...yes a person just like Jesus if you could see Him you would pass out begging for forgiveness for calling Him a "force" or "drive". He is alive and walking yes He is amazing too way too amazing for words yep He is the one who Baptises people and gives them their own unique heavenly language in which is used to speak to God DIRECTLY and guess what the devil CANNOT understand what is being said to the Father, Glory to God that instantly sparks the common knowledge branch in my head meaning that if we want to live a life of secrecy with the Lord were the devil knows not what is happening in our lives then we must every day speak to God in our spiritual language and furthermore ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for us and pray through us to bring about the will of the Lord in our lives. That's powerful right there we should use it every day and that’s pastors included okay no one is too smart to not renew daily his relationship and knowledge of God we ALL have to serve and do what He said we should and besides if you thought you were wise the word of God says that the world's wisdom is but foolishness to God...that’s intense right there that means we truly are foolish like sheep no wait worse than sheep at least they can think to follow their Sheppard’s voice and his voice alone.

I guess the Holy Spirit is talking to some of you who are reading this well I sure hope so because I'm literally just letting my fingers go and they're typing like mad, well thank you my Father in heaven for this wisdom present in here that will change the way people think about your kingdom and its ways and your call to bring order into this world not pain or strife. I wish people could seek your face and find out for themselves if you are pleased with the way they're living I'm sure they would change the way they do things but then again the Holy Spirit reminds me that Blessed are those who believe without seeing because that is what faith is wow did you catch that blessed are those who believe without seeing that means we will be rewarded for our faith in Christ oh what a day that will be when I receive my prize for all the times I put my faith in the Lord and resisted the devil and chose to follow the Lord and to believe everything that He said to me.

We are blessed and so lucky to have the Holy Spirit in our lives but some people shun Him off and do you know that the Holy Spirit can leave you...yep He can if you grieve Him and so forth and blaspheme against Him so you see how important He is to us and our lives? Do this now.....pray the Lord's prayer and after that confess your sins to God and forgive others before you ask for forgiveness for yourself then ask Him to send you the Holy Spirit back as you have offended Him and you need Him and be sincere and genuine remember God knows everything about you do not trick the Lord it’s a bad idea, God is not mocked period okay God is not mocked for whatever a man sows that he shall reap remember that, then open your heart up and start thanking Jesus for giving you the Holy Spirit and keep thanking Him...submitting to Him letting Him know that you’re not perfect and worthy to have Him but by the mercy and grace of your Father in heaven He was given to you as a promise and a guarantee of things to come..when you start to feel warm and fuzzy or maybe a few tears or trembling or a cooling wind you got to honour the Lord and thank Him for giving you His Spirit and then trust me you will feel like praying in a language you don’t get and the Spirit of God will take it from there now understand that things might not go like this I mean we are all different and the Lord speaks to us in different ways but learn to be spiritually sensitive to His voice and all the victory in the world will be present in your life.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Love's Archiles tendon

Why is it that most relationships die out way before the initial break up, I'll tell you why it's because of a very powerful emotional drive called Passion. Passion is a mixture of love, anger and a strong desire.