Thursday, August 19, 2010

Power, Love and Sound-mind belong to you.

The lord said He gave us a spirit of love, power and a sound mind, He can never lie or change so we can say that if He said it then it is the truth. Okay I'm aware that some people have fear of thhings such as the dark, death, phobias and the like but now listen...did you know that worrying about something or being anxious is a sin? Yes it is the Lord commanded us not to worry, fear or be anxious but that we trust in Him the Father.

Fear, anxiety, worry and the like are all only ever experienced as emotions/feelings, they're not tangible. Did you know that the devil can only attack you in your perceptionary/emotions/feelings realm, do remember that all his power has been stripped away by our Lord Jesus Christ and was done in public on the cross for all to see, The Lord said to His disciples after He appeared to them that all power on heaven and on earth has been given to Him and guess what He then gave it to us the body of church.

If you were expecting to read my creative blog posts I'm sorry but I just felt impressed in my spirit to write this first, stick around you'll learn a lot and will be saved from yourself.

If we believe the bible we are believers and our job would then be to believe so lets just believe shall we, here's a way to do it cause I know that lots of people think God doesn't listen but are you believing either way? Look believing isn't easy but we should do it either way, confession of the word causes faith to rise in your heart (spirit) which then slowly begins to infuence your mind the more you confess the more persuaded your mind will be. Then you will belive the word in your heart and mind and once that alignment is created I tell you great things will happen in your life.

I just woke up to write this I hope it helps someone who's confused about why things ain't working for him/her well maybe if you read the bible that would help too...just saying. Thats that now I can blog about what I want...I'm too creative so dont try to get me, read!!

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